
Gas catalytic
infrared drying solutions
GREENTECH DRYERS deals with the development and distribution of catalytic drying systems powered by methane gas and LPG.

Our technology comes out from the union between a 40-years experience in the automotive and refinish sector and the desire to create dryers capable of optimizing the work flow, cutting the operating costs and improving the manufacturing quality.

The Greentech machineries are equipped with catalytic panels, powered by methane gas or LPG, able to emit a low-intensity uniform heat without producing flame.

This innovative and convenient technology makes the workflow extremely competitive, by improving the drying quality and reducing the environmental impact of even 80% in comparison with the traditional systems.
Our engineers can design and realize custom-made solutions that perfectly integrate with the already existing preparation and varnishing structures.

All components of our robots are produced in Italy by leading companies within this sector, according to precise specifications provided by GTD with no compromises on quality nor on the constructive solutions.
Technology and production
One of the main goals of the design phase is the optimization of the drying process, which has to result perfect, both for the water-based products and the solvent-based products, and to allow sandblasting and smoothing as soon as the treatment cycle ends.

The control software is easy and intuitive in order to allow to manage without hitches also complex and multiple processings.